How to Resume a Course?
After you have already started a course you might need to resume the course. You are not required to finish a course in one sitting so it is very likely that you will resume a course at some point. When you take a course for the first time a course registration is created. The course registration is added to your My Courses area. Even though it is really a course registration we will call it a course for simplicity.

There are two ways to view or access the courses in your My Courses area. First, you can click on the My Courses link in the My Account panel on the left hand side of every page (after you are signed into your account).

If you click on the My Courses link you will see the My Courses page. On The My Courses page you will see links for each of the courses in your My Courses area. You can click the link for the name of the course you would like to resume.

Rather than clicking on the My Courses link you can also click on the My Account link in the blue page header bar.

If you click on the My Account link you will see the My Account page. You should see the My Courses section in the My Account page. It will list your most recent five courses that you have accessed. If the course you want to resume is in the most five recent courses you can click the link for the name of the course you would like to resume. If the course you want to resume is not in the recent five courses you can click the Show All link in the Quick Links panel. Clicking on the Show All link will take you to the My Courses page.

After you click on the link for the course you want to resume you will see the cover page for the course. You should click the Resume This Course button.

After you click the Resume This Course button you will see the table of contents for the course. You can now click any of the buttons to jump directly to the position in the course that you would like to resume!

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