Navigating an IRS Audit
The possibility of receiving a letter from the IRS requesting documents for a tax audit often produces considerable taxpayer fear. However, an IRS tax audit doesn’t suggest that the IRS has found a significant error or omission on the client’s tax return. Instead, it is only a review and examination of a client’s tax return rather than an indication the IRS has identified the taxpayer as a tax cheat. Navigating an IRS Tax Audit examines the nature of tax audits, the format they may take and the reasons why any particular tax return might be chosen for audit. It then discusses taxpayer representation before the IRS and the power of attorney needed to engage in client representation.

Course Publication Date: February 20, 2024

This course is available with NO ADDITIONAL FEE if you have an active self study membership or all access membership or can be purchased for $30.00!

Author:Paul Winn
Course No:TAX-NAVIRS-3184
Recommended CPE:3.00
Delivery Method:QAS Self Study
Level of Knowledge:Overview
Advanced Preparation:None
Recommended Field of Study:Taxes
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Learning Objectives
  • List the types of tax audits initiated by the IRS.
  • Describe the typical taxpayer issues addressed in a correspondence audit.
  • Recognize the types of IRS concerns resulting in taxpayers’ office and field audits.
  • Understand the application of the statute of limitations with respect to IRS tax audits.
  • Describe how an IRS tax audit is normally conducted.
  • List the factors that increase the likelihood of an IRS tax audit.
  • Describe the algorithms that provide indications of the audit potential.
  • Recognize guidelines that may help minimize the chance of an IRS tax audit.
  • Understand how digital assets are taxed.
  • Describe the nature and function of a power of attorney.
  • Discuss when a power of attorney is required and when it is not required with respect to matters before the IRS.
  • Identify the acts that may be performed for a client under a power of attorney.
  • Explain how to complete the necessary IRS form to name a power of attorney and where to file it.
  • Understand how to revoke an existing power of attorney.

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