Healthcare Reform: The Affordable Care Act Tax Provisions
The landmark legislation known as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), signed into law in 2010, affects a wide range of institutions in the United States in some way. It imposes healthcare-related requirements on health plans, health insurers and employers.

In addition to imposing various tax increases to increase revenue, the PPACA uses a carrot and stick approach to ensure compliance with its provisions, offering tax credits for compliance and imposing tax penalties for non-compliance. This course will review the principal provisions of the law and will examine its tax impact on individuals and businesses.
In so doing, it will consider the:
  • Coverage-related provisions of the PPACA addressing –
    • Plan grandfathering pursuant to which health coverage in force at the time of the law's passage may be continued,
    • The prohibition of pre-existing condition exclusions,
    • The proscription of lifetime and annual benefit limits,
    • The limitation of health coverage rescissions,
    • The requirement for certain patient protections, and
    • The requirement that plans covering children extend child coverage until age 26;
  • Tax credits available to small businesses to encourage them to sponsor employee health plans;
  • Shared responsibility for certain large employers to provide employee health coverage and the tax penalties imposed for noncompliance;
  • Various personal income tax changes affecting taxpayers; and
  • Tax credits authorized to help individuals maintain minimum essential coverage.

Course Publication Date: February 12, 2024

This course is available with NO ADDITIONAL FEE if you have an active self study membership or all access membership or can be purchased for $40.00!

Author:Paul Winn
Course No:TAX-ACAPROV-3064
Recommended CPE:5.00
Delivery Method:QAS Self Study
Level of Knowledge:Overview
Advanced Preparation:None
Recommended Field of Study:Taxes
Learning Objectives
  • Identify the rules applicable to grandfathered health plans.
  • Identify the rules applicable to the use of pre-existing condition exclusions.
  • Identify the rules applicable to annual and lifetime benefit limits.
  • List the conditions that would permit an insurer to rescind health insurance coverage and the applicable notice requirements.
  • Recognize the requirements imposed by healthcare reform legislation with respect to patient protection provisions.
  • Recognize the requirements imposed by healthcare reform legislation with respect to dependent coverage to young adults.
  • Identify the changes made by the PPACA related to the treatment of costs for over-the-counter drugs and medical expense FSA contributions.
  • Identify the changes made by the PPACA related to the tax penalty for nonqualified Archer MSA and HSA distributions.
  • Identify the changes made by the PPACA related to medical expense deductions.
  • Identify the changes made by the PPACA related to the additional taxation on the earnings of high-income taxpayers.
  • Identify the changes made by the PPACA related to the additional tax on high-income taxpayers’ net investment income.
  • Identify the changes made by the PPACA related to the additional tax on estate’s and non-grantor trust’s undistributed net investment income.
  • Calculate the amount of the premium assistance tax credit available to taxpayers whose household income is less than 400.
  • Identify the W-2 reporting requirements imposed on employers providing employer-sponsored health coverage.
  • Identify the transition relief provided applicable to W-2 reporting.
  • Define “full-time employee” and “full-time equivalent employee” for purposes of employer tax credits and penalties under the PPACA.
  • Recognize the rules that apply to a small employer’s eligibility for a health insurance premium credit.
  • Recognize the nature of a “qualifying arrangement” under which an employer pays premiums for employee health insurance coverage.
  • Identify the types of coverage that meet the PPACA definition of health insurance coverage for purposes of the small employer health insurance premium credit.
  • Apply the various limitations that may reduce the amount of health insurance premium credit available to an otherwise eligible small employer.
  • Calculate the potential penalties applicable to large employers under the PPACA.
  • Identify the transition relief available to applicable large employers.
  • Identify the annual return and notification requirements imposed by the PPACA on applicable large employers.

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